Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are You Grateful To Be Able To Complain?

Quote of the day: "To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right
is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will." ~ Ronald Reagan

A short note on the quote of the day: the GOP is reorganizing and electing officers so this is the time to get involved.  I have been meaning to for a long time but have never made the time, well this year I will be attending my precinct meeting which will be a new experience for me so I am kind of excited about it.  I would urge any of you who want to help in keeping South Carolina conservative to make the effort to attend your precinct meeting.  We are all very busy, but let's not let the crocodile eat us!

Now to my post, my teacher made a comment today that made me think about how we, the American consumer, have been accustomed from infancy to adulthood to complain about things we don't like--and that that is a privilege.  I have been thinking on just what a privilege it really is to be able to complain. So many times we take this for granted but in many other countries complaining or disagreeing is not tolerated and usually dealt with harshly. While I do not think we should go around complaining, the next time you are tempted to complain, I hope you stop and think about the privileges you have.

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